Easton, PA Tree Pruning Case Study (with Before & After Pictures)

Oftentimes, homeowners don’t think much about the trees in their landscape until there is a problem. But when it comes to something like a tree pruning service, keeping up with regular maintenance can actually prevent problems and keep trees looking and performing their best.

We have many homeowners who use our tree pruning services in Easton, PA, including this property, shown in the photos. He has a two-acre property with many large trees and understands the value of caring for them.

In fact, this particular client in Easton, PA has been using Joshua Tree’s tree pruning service for several years now. He says that it keeps his trees in optimal condition, which is important to him. But another key benefit has been that it has improved his view of the mountains and the valleys visible from his home.

We spoke to this client about his overall experience and how using a tree pruning service in Easton, PA has enhanced the aesthetics of his property.

A Word on a Tree Trimming Service vs Tree Pruning: What’s the Difference?

Before we go into more detail about this client’s Easton, PA property, we wanted to share some information on tree trimming vs. tree pruning as we know there’s often some confusion.

Tree trimming and pruning are not really the same thing, even though these terms are often used interchangeably.

Trimming is generally talked about in terms of shrubs and hedges and is a service used to tidy their appearance.

Pruning, on the other hand, is performed on trees and shrubs whose health and growth capabilities are greatly improved when infected, dead, and broken branches are cut away with a skillful approach.Tree care technician pruning for the health of a tree

It has an aesthetic impact, but it’s more than just “cleaning things up.” While it can minimally correct the overall size and shape of a tree, pruning is meant to correct the overall structure and health of the tree—not just chop off growth like most people imagine when they think of trimming a shrub.

Because tree pruning is the technical term for the work that we performed on this case study property, we’ll use that terminology in this article. But we wanted to let you know the difference since we so often hear homeowners refer to it as tree trimming in Easton, PA.

Easton, PA Tree Pruning Service to Keep Trees Aesthetically Appealing

This Easton, PA client told us that when he first met us, he had a tree in the middle of his front yard that he really liked but that was clearly in bad shape. It was riddled with disease. He remembers telling us that he assumed he had to have it removed and that nothing could be done.

But we love trees—and we know this homeowner really didn’t want to see this tree go.
Easton Tree Pruning
We told him that we’re in the business of saving trees when we can (and when clients want us to)—and that’s exactly what we did. After a couple of years of disease treatments, we were able to save his tree and restore its health. He has been a client ever since.

We’ve continued to care for his beloved trees with proper tree pruning services around the property.

“Several of my trees are close to the home so it’s really important that they’re kept in check and not becoming overgrown,” the homeowner shared with us. “Joshua Tree keeps everything cleaned up and looking its best.”

A Protection of his Landscape Investment

One thing that we love about this client is that he gets it. He understands that caring for his trees with regular pruning is a protection of his investment in his landscape. Our regular maintenance helps to keep the aesthetic appeal and also maintain the height and spread of this client’s landscape trees.

Plus, a tree pruning service also maintains the overall health of the tree, which is so important when it comes to keeping it thriving for the long haul.

The client told us: “People might not like the idea of having to invest in ongoing tree care but if you have trees, you have to take care of them. It ends up costing more money to take trees down than it does to just care for them in the first place.”

After gaining his trust in caring for his trees, this client has also hired us to handle his lawn care services. It’s something that he says he used to perform on his own but he just doesn’t have the time anymore.

“My lawn was in pretty bad shape when I brought Joshua Tree in but they told me they could restore what I had in a couple of years,” he told us. “Sure enough, it’s been a couple of years and it looks great.”
Lawn care services in Easton
We love having satisfied clients like this one and the many others who trust us to perform their lawn and landscaping services.

This client summed up: “I have always been happy with all of the services Joshua Tree has performed at my home. The people have always done a great job taking care of any problems I may have with my lawn and the trees on my property.”

Let Us Help Solve Your Problems, Too

At Joshua Tree, we are absolutely in the business of solving problems. Whether you have trees that require a tree pruning service or disease control, a lawn that is in need of repair—or maybe even a pest problem—we are here to help.

By investing in your landscape, you are making a wise choice to protect what you have. And we’re here to help every step of the way! We love helping clients (like this one featured) enjoy their property to the fullest by taking away their worries!

Contact us for a free consultation if you’d like an assessment of your trees and shrubs or more information about our Plant Health Care programs. Rest assured, your landscape will be in good hands.

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