Helpful Tips About Trees, Lawns, and Pests

Should I Hire a Lawn Service via HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, or Thumbtack?

Written by Joshua Malik | Sep 25, 2018 12:00:00 PM

It’s always great to have options. But sometimes when we have too many of them, it can feel a bit overwhelming. It’s a phenomenon that researchers have aptly named “choice overload” and it can make you feel stressed out when coming to a decision.

If you’re experiencing choice overload while trying to choose a lawn care service then you may have thought about turning to a third party website to choose the best service for you. However, hiring a lawn care company shouldn't be so complicated.

While you don’t want to spend a tremendous amount of time researching lawn care services, in the end, you still want to make sure you end up with the best choice.

Using a Third Party Site to Find Lawn Care

First and foremost, just in case there is any confusion, it’s important to understand that websites like HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, and Thumbtack are not lawn care companies but rather third-party sites through which you can find lawn care companies.

There’s nothing wrong with using a third-party site to choose a lawn care service but you should know what these sites are all about. These are lead-generating sites. Typically, if companies advertise they can receive additional leads. That means that you might not be receiving the best possible recommendations for lawn care but instead may receive leads based on who paid the most advertising dollars.

Let’s take a look at the search experience on each site.

Looking at an Angie’s List Lawn Service

This lead-generating website was one of the first “business review websites” to launch in the United States. A search for lawn care on Angie’s List will provide you with a list of what they’ll call the “top lawn care companies.” However, rather than just trusting a lawn service on Angie's List is the best, you should plan to research these companies on your own, as well.

While Angie’s List does use client reviews to rate companies, that is ultimately just one method of evaluating a lawn service.

Looking at a HomeAdvisor Lawn Service

Like Angie’s List, HomeAdvisor is a lead-generating site and will produce a list of possible lawn care services. However, HomeAdvisor is even more marketing oriented than Angie’s List because they charge companies for lead generation and will send your information out to more than one service provider at a time.

Looking for a lawn service on HomeAdvisor will mean you’ll be contacted by any company that is willing to pay for a lead. Because anyone can pay, you could wind up with companies calling you that you never would have reached out to on your own.

Looking at Thumbtack Lawn Care Options

Thumbtack operates a bit differently than the other two. With Thumbtack, homeowners come to the site and answer questions about the work they’re looking to have performed.

Lawn care services can then pick which leads they want to pursue. Lawn care companies pay to contact customers and make a quote through Thumbtack “credits” that they’ve purchased. If you’re looking for lawn care on Thumbtack, you can expect to be contacted by companies who are willing to pay for the lead.

Researching Lawn Care Services

We understand that choosing a lawn care company can sound like a lot of work. You’re busy and you don’t have a lot of free time to research a ton of different companies.

Using HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, and Thumbtack can be a useful way to at least generate a list of companies to explore. We certainly have nothing against these sites. In fact, Joshua Tree even has a profile on HomeAdvisor and we advertise on Angie’s List. We know that many homeowners are turning to these sites for information and we want to be visible to them.

Even so, we still think it’s important for you to know what you’re getting when these sites send your information to lawn care companies. It’s important that you still put in some effort to qualify those choices and make sure it’s the right company for you.

After you’ve generated a list of companies you’re considering, one way you can compare them is to look at other review sites like Google or Facebook and read through the comments.

You should also plan to research these companies via their own websites. This will allow you to compare their lawn care programs to one another. It will also allow you to see what kind of content these companies provide on their website.

Are they frequently offering resources including lawn care tips with in-depth articles? This will give you a sense of whether they are going to be helpful guides in the process of achieving a better lawn.

Making a Wise Choice for your Lawn

In the end, by putting the time into research companies and find the one that will be best suited to service your lawn, you’ll be able to feel confident that you’re going to end up with the results that you really want.

While it may be tempting to just go with the first response that comes your way, the last thing that you want to do is wind up with a company you’re unhappy with and results that disappoint.

Aim to compile as much information as you can about the companies you’re researching so that you can make an informed decision. By choosing to be an educated consumer, you’re also choosing to invest wisely in your lawn.

With the right care for your lawn, you’ll gain valuable peace of mind. If you’re interested in having your lawn inspected and its health assured, contact us for a free quote or give us a call at 833-JTE-TREE.

Image Sources: Angie's List Logo, HomeAdvisor Logo, Thumbtack Logo