When it comes to maximizing your time outside, you know that mosquitoes can stand in your way of being outdoors. When you, your family, or your guests feel like they’re being “eaten alive,” people tend to migrate back inside.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
We don’t want mosquitoes to ruin your warm-weather get-togethers. That’s why we’re talking about mosquito control tips for spring. We want to help set you up for the most possible success.
Here is our best advice on how to mosquito-proof your yard in spring.
You deserve to be able to spend time outdoors without worrying about pesky mosquitoes. These tips will help to diminish the mosquito population on your property.
A big part of backyard mosquito control is preventing mosquitoes in the first place, whenever possible. One way to do this is to target breeding sites.
Standing water on your property can quickly become a mosquito breeding ground. That’s because mosquitoes use water to lay their eggs. Clearing out any areas with standing water on your property can help reduce new populations of mosquitoes from starting.
To do this, take some time to look around your property and find any areas where water is collecting and becoming stagnant. These might include some of the following.
Sometimes standing water is collected in the yard itself. If your yard has poor drainage, it could mean that there is standing water within the lawn. Lawn aeration in the fall is one way to reduce soil compaction and improve drainage.
When gutters get clogged with debris like leaves and twigs, they can also begin to collect excess water. The rotting leaves and standing water can also serve as a prime breeding site for mosquitoes.
Making sure that your gutters are periodically cleaned out so that water is not collecting in them is a valuable way to achieve backyard mosquito control.
While your property’s gutters might be mosquitoes’ breeding sites, the trees and shrubs around your home often serve as their hang-out spots. Many people don’t know that mosquitoes are actually weak fliers and they stop often to rest. Of course, when they do so, they want to be hidden. Overgrown trees and shrubs make the perfect hiding spot (and hang out spot) for mosquitoes.
All of the tips for mosquito control that we mentioned above will have an impact on reducing mosquito populations on your property. But they aren’t a replacement for also implementing professional mosquito control.
At Joshua Tree, our Mosquito, Flea & Tick Control program covers all three of these troublesome pests. Our program includes 5 seasonal treatments scheduled approximately 45 days apart to reduce levels during peak seasons. We use a long-lasting product that will be applied to spots that are identified as prime mosquito landing sites on your property.
While there’s no question the pesky mosquito is persistent, a pest control professional will have your back in keeping up with regular treatments and keeping these pests at bay.
Hopefully, these mosquito control tips for spring have given you some ideas on how to tackle these pests and ultimately take back your yard.
You’ve let mosquitoes ruin your fun for long enough! Now it’s time to take back control.
You can make the wise choice to implement mosquito control that will drastically reduce the population and give you back your yard.
By making that smart choice you’ll no longer feel like you have to drag the kids inside from playing, stop the party short, or be worrying every time you’re just trying to enjoy some time outside. With mosquitoes out of the way, you can stop stressing and get back to enjoying your beautiful property the way it deserves to be enjoyed.
With the right approach to pest control, you’ll gain valuable peace of mind. If you’re interested in having your home inspected for potential pest issues, contact us for a free quote or give us a call at 833-JTE-TREE.
Image Source: Flooded Lawn